Dental Implants in Alpharetta, GA
Achieve your dream smile with dental implants
If you’re missing teeth, it may feel like you’ll never be able to experience all of the benefits of a natural smile again. You are probably finding it more difficult to chew and speak, and you certainly don’t enjoy smiling and laughing as much as you used to.
Here at North Atlanta Aesthetic Dentistry, you really can reinvent your smile. Our dental implants will allow you to obtain teeth that function and feel completely real.
Visit our Smile GalleryWhat are dental implants?
Dental implants are small titanium rods that are inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line. The implants are then restored with crowns or dentures to ensure your smile looks and feels totally natural.
Dental implants will never shift or slide like traditional implants do. They can bite down and chew just like natural teeth do, and they will allow you to speak properly. Dental implants are easy to care for and will give you a smile you’ll love to show off.
We perform dental implant surgery right in our office
In many cases, a dentist will send a patient to one specialist for the implant surgery and then will bring the patient back for the restoration. Being sent from dentist to dentist is inconvenient for the patient. You have to find a new office and then allow a new dentist to get to know you and your teeth.
Here at North Atlanta Aesthetic Dentistry, Dr. Gurley does it all. He will perform both the placement and the restoration so you can complete every step of your smile transformation right here in our office.
Guided implant surgery means more precision and less downtime
Guided implant surgery will ensure the most accurate and comfortable results possible. With a traditional approach, it is common for dentists to have to redo the dental implants because the original implants aren’t positioned well enough to be restored. This easy-to-make mistake results in months of waiting and appointments for a patient.
We use a Cone Beam 3D X-ray machine in our office, which reduces mistakes drastically. This dental technology allows Dr. Gurley to use a 3D radiograph of the jaws while he places the implants so that he has an exact guide as he completes the surgery. This technique also means a smaller, more precise incision, and less healing time. Learn more about the benefits of guided implant surgery.
Come take advantage of the ultimate dental implants process at North Atlanta Aesthetic Dentistry.